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Informatika i Ee Primeneniya [Informatics and its Applications], 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 2–34 (Mi ia84)  

This article is cited in 11 scientific papers (total in 11 papers)

The middle ware architecture of the subjectmediators for problemsolving over a set of integrated heterogeneous distributed information resources in the hybrid grid-infrastructure of virtual observatories

D. O. Bryukhova, A. E. Vovchenkoa, V. N. Zakharova, O. P. Zhelenkovab, L. A. Kalinichenkoa, D. O. Martynova, N. A. Skvortsova, S. A. Stupnikova

a Institute for Problems of Informatics RAS
b Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: The middleware architecture of subject mediators for scientific problem solving over a set of heterogeneous distributed information resources in the hybrid grid-infrastructure of virtual observatory (VO) is considered. The VO hybrid architecture is implemented as a binding of the AstroGrid VO system developed in the U.K. and of the facilities supporting subject mediators developed at the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. An approach is implemented according to which for a class of applications, a specification of subject domain is formed independently of preexisting information resources. The hybrid architecture is implemented as the binding of execution engines of two infrastructures (AstroGrid and subject mediators). That is why, in the paper, the main attention is drawn to the problems of rewriting the mediator queries into the plans of their implementation over specific information resources, to the brief description of the hybrid architecture of execution engines of the AstroGrid and subject mediators. An example of implementation in the hybrid architecture of a subject mediator for solving distant galaxies discovery problem is revealed. The distinguishing features of the presented approach comparing to the well-known prototypes of database integration in VOs are overviewed. The middleware architecture of subject mediators is planned to be used for solving the Russian VO problems.
Keywords: subject mediator; canonical information model; virtual observatory; unifier of the information models; refinement, formulae rewriting; semantic integration of heterogeneous information resources; resource registration at the mediator; ontological model; resources relevant to a mediator; middleware; specification of the problem’s subject domain driven by an application.
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: D. O. Bryukhov, A. E. Vovchenko, V. N. Zakharov, O. P. Zhelenkova, L. A. Kalinichenko, D. O. Martynov, N. A. Skvortsov, S. A. Stupnikov, “The middle ware architecture of the subjectmediators for problemsolving over a set of integrated heterogeneous distributed information resources in the hybrid grid-infrastructure of virtual observatories”, Inform. Primen., 2:1 (2008), 2–34
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by D.~O.~Bryukhov, A.~E.~Vovchenko, V.~N.~Zakharov, O.~P.~Zhelenkova, L.~A.~Kalinichenko, D.~O.~Martynov, N.~A.~Skvortsov, S.~A.~Stupnikov
\paper The middle ware architecture of the subjectmediators for problemsolving over a set of integrated heterogeneous distributed information resources in the hybrid grid-infrastructure of virtual observatories
\jour Inform. Primen.
\yr 2008
\vol 2
\issue 1
\pages 2--34
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/ia84
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/ia/v2/i1/p2
  • This publication is cited in the following 11 articles:
    1. Volovich I K., Denisov S.A., Malkovsky I S., “Deployment of Parallel Computing in a Hybrid High-Performance Cluster Based on Virtualization Technologies”, 14Th International Symposium Intelligent Systems, Procedia Computer Science, 186, eds. Zelinka I., Pereira F., Das S., Ilin A., Diveev A., Nikulchev E., Elsevier Science Bv, 2021, 40–47  crossref  isi  scopus
    2. S. A. Stupnikov, D. O. Bryukhov, N. A. Skvortsov, “Analiz sistemnogo riska sovmestnogo kreditovaniya nad neodnorodnymi kollektsiyami dannykh”, Inform. i ee primen., 10:1 (2016), 23–33  mathnet  crossref  elib
    3. S. A. Stupnikov, A. E. Vovchenko, “Metody postroeniya otobrazhenii kollektsii, predstavlennykh v netraditsionnykh modelyakh dannykh, v integrirovannoe predstavlenie”, Sistemy i sredstva inform., 24:4 (2014), 29–44  mathnet  crossref  elib
    4. S. A. Stupnikov, “Verifitsiruemoe otobrazhenie modeli dannykh, osnovannoi na mnogomernykh massivakh, v ob'ektnuyu model dannykh”, Inform. i ee primen., 7:3 (2013), 22–34  mathnet  crossref  elib
    5. L. Kalinichenko, S. Stupnikov, A. Vovchenko, D. Kovalev, “Conceptual declarative problem specification and solving in data intensive domains”, Inform. i ee primen., 7:4 (2013), 112–139  mathnet  crossref  elib
    6. Samarev R.S., “Agregatsiya informatsii v raspredelennoi informatsionnoi sisteme”, Voprosy radioelektroniki, 3:2 (2013), 30–44  elib
    7. O. P. Zhelenkova, “Issledovanie radioistochnikov sredstvami virtualnoi observatorii”, Inform. i ee primen., 6:3 (2012), 5–21  mathnet
    8. G. Ya. Ilyushin, I. A. Sokolov, “Organizatsiya upravlyaemogo dostupa polzovatelei k raznorodnym vedomstvennym informatsionnym resursam”, Inform. i ee primen., 4:1 (2010), 24–40  mathnet
    9. G. Ya. Ilyushin, V. I. Limanskii, “Realizatsiya mekhanizma tipovykh zaprosov v territorialno raspredelennoi vedomstvennoi informatsionnoi sisteme”, Sistemy i sredstva inform., 2009, dopolnitelnyi vypusk, 15–33  mathnet
    10. A. V. Volodkin, G. Ya. Ilyushin, “Postroenie vedomstvennoi geterogennoi virtualnoi chastnoi seti”, Sistemy i sredstva inform., 2009, dopolnitelnyi vypusk, 34–57  mathnet
    11. Kogalovsky, M.R., Kalinichenko, L.A., “Conceptual and ontological modeling in information systems”, Programming and Computer Software, 35:5 (2009), 241–256  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
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